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The awards calendar provides due dates, basic information, and links to the official websites for a variety of awards in which our faculty may be interested. Please browse the calendar to discover awards that may be applicable to you or to find information about awards with which you are already acquainted.


On the calendar click on an award event for the complete title, a link to official websites, and detailed information. The award events occur on the award due date; for optimal use, browse weeks or months into the future.  Some award calendar events include a prefix of “CNS,” “VPR,” or “OSP.” These acronyms correspond with the due dates for College of Natural Science, Vice President for Research, or Office of Sponsored Projects respectively for that award.


Please be aware, this calendar is limited and not all-inclusive. If you discover or know of awards not on the calendar, you are welcome to apply for them or contact us about having them posted. The calendar will be updated with due dates and new awards as accurately as we are able. The awarding agency’s posted information should be considered final authority.


If you have any questions about applying for awards, please contact the awards committee. Questions about the calendar can be directed to Jessica Myer (512-232-3531).